Internet of Things (IoT) technology creates connectivity across devices and objects with the goal of making people’s lives easier.
We’ve been collecting information on London’s most successful startups using Tech Nation’s Data Commons service to rank them by valuation.
This week, we’ve taken a look at IoT startups in London – young companies revolutionising connectivity and streamlining the flow of data.
From those focused on energy use and physical health, to things like insurance and parking, these startups are only a few years old but are already creating a digital legacy.
Let’s take a look at the Top 10.

1. Callsign
Using artificial intelligence, Callsign verifies identities and enhances user experience at the same time.
When it comes to IoT systems, Callsign minimises delay related to ensuring people really are who they say – with reliable and safe authentication.
Founded: 2011
Value: At least £113 million ($140 million)

Software company EVRYTHNG simply connects products to the internet.
The platform-as-a-service manages realtime data to ensure applications can work seamlessly with products.
Founded: 2011
Value: At least £77 million ($96 million)

3. Biovotion
Biovotion supports patients in primary care, hospitals, aftercare and at home.
Since most people’s time is spent away from hospitals, the system connects patients with healthcare providers to ensure better resolutions.
Founded: 2011
Value: At least £46 million (€52 million)

4. AppyWay
“Making parking forgettable” is AppyWay’s pledge – moving the world towards smart cities further.
Drivers can interact in detail with real-time roadside spaces and pay instantly, taking away the hassle of paying to park.
Founded: 2013
Value: At least £30 million

5. Verv
Home energy assistant Verv unlocks unique energy insights.
The intelligent hub analyses homeowners’ electricity and appliance use to provide real-time costs per appliance.
With this information, people can bring down their overall energy payments.
Founded: 2009
Value: At least £26 million

6. Birdie
Birdie helps homecare staff help those in need, at the same time as simplifying their work.
The system clearly presents tasks, reports and outcomes, with solutiobs like te Medication Manager, Task Planner and Family App.
Founded: 2017
Value: At least £25 million (€28 million)

7. Neos
Using smart tech, Neos has changed insurance.
The app means users can leave their properties and be confident, given the opportunity to monitor all aspects of their home with items like a leak detector, smart smoke alarm, and security camera, backed up by insurance.
Founded: 2016
Value: At least £22 million

8. Chargifi
Chargifi provides smart wireless charging for all areas like offices, bars, meeting rooms, departures lounges and much more.
Through it, business owners can directly engage with and boost the experience of customers using it with insights and behaviour information.
Founded: 2013
Value: At least $28 million

9. Concirrus
Concirrus has access to very large data sets, analysing them to provide insurance insights based on previous claims and other related data.
Founded: 2012
Value: At least £20 million

10. Tempus Energy
Tempus Energy “unlocks demand flexibility” – predicting and optimising the times that energy is used more intensely.
Ultimately, it saves people money and means their use of renewable energy sources can be boosted.
Founded: 2012
Value: At least £15 million