Direct Line and Saatchi & Saatchi London have launched a major new campaign starring iconic heroes such as RoboCop, Donatello the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Bumblebee the Transformer.

The new campaign, called “We’re On it”, is a move on from brand’s hugely successful “Fixer” campaign, also by Saatchi & Saatchi, featuring Harvey Keitel as Winston Wolfe.

In “We’re on it”, the iconic heroes spring into action only to find out that Direct Line have already played hero to those in need.

Wendy Moores, Head of Marketing at Direct Line, says:

“Our customers know that the second anything goes wrong, we will leap into action and have them covered.

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Our new campaign suggests that we are so good at doing this that we’re even better problem solvers than some of the world’s best and most loved heroes, to ensure we stay ahead of the insurance pack.

Robocop plays a role in Direct Line’s new campaign

“The power and flexibility of the idea that Saatchi & Saatchi has created gives us greater freedom than we’ve ever had to deliver a more cohesive and consistent campaign across the breadth of our product portfolio and through all media channels.”

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Bumblebee, Donatello and RoboCop are the first characters to feature in Direct Line’s new brand campaign, with each of them beaten by Direct Line in an emergency situation, including an office break-in and a car accident.

The TV ads were directed by two-time Oscar nominee Bryan Buckley.

The work marks the first time ever Direct Line has brought all its product lines, from personal to business consumers, into a single campaign.

Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is involved

The new campaign will launch at 21:15 on Friday 6 March with MediaCom negotiating a world-first ad break takeover across both TV and VOD simultaneously on ITV, Channel 4 and Sky.

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The activity will expand over the weekend and following weeks into cinema, out of home, social, PR and another media first with Bauer’s Kiss station with daily news bulletins steadily revealing more about how Direct Line is beating heroes.

Franki Goodwin, Creative Director at Saatchi & Saatchi says: “This was a brief with Hollywood-sized shoes to fill. It needed a huge idea and true client agency partnership to pull it off. We’re so excited to finally be able to share this epic year of work.”

Alongside the new brand campaign, Saatchi & Saatchi has also developed a brand identity refresh consisting of a modern makeover for the iconic red phone on wheels, a new word mark, and a bold, confident new visual identity.