The act of leaving a job or organization without making a public announcement or drawing attention to oneself is referred to as “quiet quitting.”

This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as avoiding conflict or looking for a new opportunity without informing current coworkers or employers. Quitting quietly is also a way to keep your story of leaving private and in your own hands.

Quiet quitting: subtle way of leaving your job

While a quiet quitting may appear to be a subtle way to leave a job, it can have serious consequences for both the individual and the organization.

Quitting quietly may be perceived as unprofessional or may harm the individual’s reputation. They may also pass up opportunities for a proper farewell or recommendations from coworkers.

Quitting quietly can cause problems for an organization and lead to a loss of knowledge and productivity. It can also make it hard for the organization to plan for the person’s departure and find a replacement.


If the employee quit quietly, it might be hard for him or her to get a letter of recommendation from the former employer in the future.

If you are thinking about leaving your job, it’s usually best to tell your boss in an open and honest way.

This lets you leave on good terms and makes sure that both you and the company have a smooth transition. In any case, if a person wants to leave quietly, they need to think about what could happen and plan for it. It is also important to think about how the decision will affect the people involved and the reputation of the company.

A new reframe on the very challenging phenomenon of “quiet quitting” has come about, referred to as “quiet hiring”, which I’m really glad that key players in the HR space are taking steps to curb “quiet quitting.”

As we know, ChatGPT and AI are at the forefront of everyone’s minds, and what we need to consider is that as AI evolves, we as humans need to evolve with it and be at the forefront of potential possibilities of what might need to change.

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Empowering staff is one of them. Some of the research I have done has pointed us to the evolution of the future of employees needing 5 primary skills to focus on for the future of work, which are: critical thinking, creativity, social intelligence, self management, and attention management.

Even though there are fears of an imminent recession and a wave of layoffs by technology businesses towards the end of 2022, the job market is still quite competitive. Even though both of these things are likely to happen around the same time, this is still the case.

The results of a benchmarking survey done by Gartner show that more HR business leaders are starting to think the market will calm down in the next six months, but the majority of them still think it will get even more competitive.

When it comes to hiring people, businesses face a unique challenge: keeping the smart people they already have while also finding the smart people they need to stay competitive.

Either there is a drop in the budget for the staff or it stays the same.

It will be challenging for companies to compete for new personnel, which means that they will need to think outside the box to find solutions.

Surge in silent resignation

The massive surge of “silent resignation” stories that occurred in the second half of 2022 will be remembered by anyone who uses LinkedIn.

The topic of employees who did not go “above and beyond” in their jobs, but rather did the bare minimum that was expected of them was discussed in these news articles’ headlines.

When employees ‘quietly resign’,  firms retain the individuals but suffer a loss in competences and skills. Due to these shifts, it is becoming increasingly difficult for firms not only to recruit newly available workers but also to coax further productivity from the employees they already employ.

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Obtaining new skills and capabilities without taking on new full-time employees is what is meant by the term “quiet hiring.”

This strategy will be used by the best human resource managers in order to deal with the challenging combination of a sluggish economy and a talent market that is extremely competitive.

From the point of view of behavior, we can already see that some of the primary skills that were discussed earlier are being used. This will become clear to us in a number of significant ways, including the following: A fresh emphasis has been placed on the several ways in which employees might move about the firm.

Even if there are fewer or more workers, the goal is to coordinate their work so that they are given the most important tasks and the opportunities that most interest them.

Right away, we can see that basic social intelligence and critical thinking skills are being used:

  1. Placing a renewed emphasis on stretch assignments and upskilling for existing personnel in order to give growth possibilities while simultaneously fulfilling developing organizational needs as well as people’s career aspirations in order to give growth possibilities while simultaneously fulfilling developing organizational needs and people’s career aspirations in order to give growth possibilities.
  2. Creativity and attention management are both being used to empower personnel, but the focus is also being brought to what is being paid attention and what is more important.
  3. The organization should try out different employment and sourcing techniques (such alumni networks, gig and contract labor, and so on) so that it is not primarily dependent on full-time employees to bring in new talent. In this context, we find that organizations need to take into consideration social intelligence, attention management, creative thinking, and critical thinking.
  4. Covert hiring is a good place to start when companies think about what they need to change to make a difference in the future of work. They first look for people with the right skills and qualifications in the company itself. If they can’t find people in the area with the right skills, the businesses will look for other ways to find workers to fill the positions. This method may assist in reducing costs associated with payroll, retaining personnel, and locating and cultivating talent within the organization.

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We can adapt along with the changing nature of work in the future since the future belongs to humans.

New way to combat talent shortage

I believe that “quiet hiring” is becoming a popular tactic for businesses as the labor market grows increasingly competitive and organizations struggle to both retain talent and recruit new talent.

Rather than relying simply on the process of employing new workers, this strategy puts the emphasis on discovering and developing new skills and capabilities already present within the organization.

Companies can keep their current staff and meet their constantly changing organizational needs if they give their current staff more power by giving them stretch assignments, the chance to improve their skills, and other employment options.

Businesses can make sure they are ready to compete in the job market by putting more emphasis on the most important skills for the future of work, such as critical thinking, creativity, social intelligence, self-management, and attention management.

These are all examples of skills that will be necessary for the future of work.

In the end, it will be people who decide what the future of work will look like, and as artificial intelligence improves, it is important that we, as humans, improve along with it and stay on the cutting edge of changes and opportunities.