According to a study called Five Components of Work Motivation in the Achievement of Lecturer Performance pooled with respondents comprised of 52% male and 48 female respondents from Pamulang University, it shows that psychological motivation, which includes fulfilment in terms of their overall welfare, still remains the key motivating for top performers.

We get an understanding that the concept of motivation promoted by Maslow, later known as need motivation, is a principle in organisations.

The study encapsulates Maslow views that people are moved to work, want to be ordered, aware of the rules, and so on for one/many reasons, which include at least five things, including (Hanafiah, et, al., 2020):

  1. Psychological motivation
  2. Security motivation
  3. Social motivation
  4. Reward motivation
  5. Self-actualisation motivation
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It reveals that these factors, particularly psychological safety, still remains the key factor which drives many people to perform well and see through the task at hand.

Activities that can increase work participation and involvement, or a sense of teamsmanship, elevates people’s motivation to contribute towards a common goal.

In the following section, we will delve deeper into each motivation and what they entail:

Psychological motivation

It reveals “that the fulfilment of the welfare of life as a result of the implementation of tasks can increase the work participation.”

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Safety motivation

It means “that there is a positive possibility that performance will increase if the lecturer’s safety motivation is met.”

Social motivation

It has proven to have a positive influence. Having the sense of teamwork shows that “performance of lecturers will be better if the task is carried out together.”

Reward motivation

This particular motivation helps “increase in performance if the reward system runs well. This implies the importance of building a work environment and culture that respects each other”.

Instilling the sense of accomplishment and recognition within the organisation “can trigger high morale in every task implementation.“

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Actualisation motivation

The “emotional factor in positive terms, namely wanting to show self-ability, self-confidence, and so on has proven to be one of the positive factors in increasing lecturer performance.”

The research findings also emphasise that the true motivation or enthusiasm for carrying out a task cannot be separated from the fulfilment of the motive/reason. The study is quite a stark contrast to the effects of having narcissistic bosses.

Study: Five Components of Work Motivation in the Achievement of Lecturer Performance
Authors: Wahyudi, W. (2022).
Published in: Scientific Journal of Reflection: Economic, Accounting, Management and Business, 5(2), 466-473.
Publication date: April 1, 2022
Image: via Unsplash